FORTEX is a company of engineering solutions for industry, energy, ecology and construction.
FORTEX-Water technologies LLC is a manufacturer of engineering equipment for natural and waste water treatment, as well as special equipment for power, chemical and electroplating industries, housing and communal services, rural settlements, recreation centers, sanatoriums, and agro-towns.
Today, FORTEX-Water technologies LLC is a company with a team of more than 200 highly qualified specialists and a production base of more than 20,000 m2. The company is actively developing more effective technologies and new types of products, in order to solve your problems in a comprehensive manner. For this purpose, the company cooperates with more than 700 design, research institutes and organizations, as well as with specialists with a high international reputation.
FORTEX-Water technologies LLC offers a full range of services for solving Your problems in the field of:
electroplating industries,
water treatment,
waste water treatment,
industrial cooling,
energy and chemical industries.
FORTEX-Water technologies LLC provides solutions and support for Your projects at all stages of implementation: design, production, delivery, installation and service of equipment.
We are sure, based on the results of the exhibition, "FORTEX" SOOO - Water technologies " will be waiting for new interesting projects, and their Customers-new high-quality equipment.