Constanta will participate in ExpoCoating Moscow 2022


Constanta will present thickness gauges, flaw detectors and other devices for non-destructive testing of materials, products and protective coatings of all types.

Constanta will participate in ExpoCoating Moscow 2022
LLC "CONSTANTA" was founded in 1993 to carry out scientific and applied research in the field of non-destructive testing of protective coatings of all types, structurally inhomogeneous materials, as well as to create competitive equipment for ultrasonic non-destructive testing of a wide class of products.
The company is engaged in the development and production of devices and means of non-destructive testing of materials, products and protective coatings of all types:
  • specialized thickness gauges of electroplating coatings of all types, thickness
  • gauges of protective coatings of all types,
  • ultrasonic thickness gauges for metal and non-metal products,
  • ultrasonic transducers for thickness measurement and flaw detection, electric
  • spark flaw detectors,
  • devices for complex quality control of protective coatings,
  • devices for input control of paintwork, metal
  • hardness meters,
  • meters of specific electrical conductivity,
  • eddy current flaw detectors.
During its work, "CONSTANT" has established itself as a developer and manufacturer of high-quality and modern means of manual non-destructive testing, testing of materials and products, as well as as a team of professionals capable of solving the most complex scientific and technical problems. This fact is confirmed not only by the wide distribution of company products in Russia, but also by their export to Europe and America.
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